Saturday, March 29, 2014

Faces of the LGBT Center: Jill Aul

Faces of the LGBT Center is a feature where we interview friends, members and volunteers of the Center to get the insiders' perspective.  If you want to be interviewed or want to nominate someone, you can email me at

Tell us a little about yourself, as much or as little as you want to share.

My name is Jill Aul, and I am 55 years old. I live in St. Charles county and with my spouse, Bill. We met in high school, and have been married for 33 years. We are the proud parents of 2 adult children, Emerson and Brady. I taught Kindergarten in the Francis Howell School District, then retired three years ago to become a full-time volunteer and activist for the LGBTQIA community. I am a staunch ally! I am the founder and president of the St. Charles PFLAG chapter. We have been meeting monthly since 2006, and I am very involved in that organization. I am also an active member of the Ethical Society Mid Rivers, where I currently serve as President of the Board of Directors. I am also a relational volunteer for Senior Connections, where I spend time weekly, visiting a nursing home resident named Katherine. I an also an ordained marriage minister, with 2 weddings on my calendar for the upcoming year. Both brides are former Kindergarten students, and I’m excited to perform their marriage ceremonies. I long for the day when all who live in our country can legally marry. I wear many hats, and in the past, some have been quite colorful; I worked as a Weight Watchers leader, and for many years I was a professional clown, known as “Mrs. Sippy.”

What do you do at the LGBT Center?

I am very proud to be the Volunteer Coordinator at the Center. I fell into that position in June 2011, when a friend who was on the board at the time asked me to staff a table for the Center at Pride. We signed up many volunteers that weekend, but there was no one to contact and organize them, to staff the Center which was going to be opening on Manchester in a few short weeks. I offered to do that, and have been the Volunteer Coordinator ever since!  I began attending monthly board meetings, to report on the volunteer program, and was asked to join the board that fall. Now, I serve as the Vice President of the board. Until January of this year, it was my job to reach out to all new people interested in becoming volunteers, provide the initial training, do all of the scheduling, and intervene with all kinds of issues that arose concerning our all volunteer staff. Recently, a Volunteer Committee was formed, and I’ve had some help! Kevin Hawkins is helping with some training, and Elaine Brune is helping with interviewing and providing orientation opportunities for new volunteers. More than 500 people have filtered through the volunteer program at the Center in less than 3 years!

How have the people at the LGBT Center influenced you?

I wanted to pitch in and help, because I believe very deeply in the Center’s mission. I never imagined how involved I would become, or how greatly my life would become enriched through my work with the LGBT Center. I have met so many amazing people here, many of whom are now dear friends. I am in awe of the people who give so selflessly of their time to keep the Center running, meeting the needs of casual visitors, people in need, and people in crisis who walk through the Center’s door, call on the phone, or reach out via e-mail through the web site. When I volunteer a shift myself, or just visit the Center for another reason, I am always impressed by our volunteers on duty.

What are some things you enjoy doing outside of the LGBT Center?

I love to ride my bicycle. I pedal Grant’s Trail several times a week with my son, Brady, during his off-work hours. I love word games of all kinds, online and in “real life.” I also write a lot of poetry, most of which is kept private due to its highly raucous and irreverent content. I also love to drive all over the place in Rosie, my red convertible.  I am a cat lover. Our beloved Ozzie is 17 years old and brings me much joy on a daily basis. I also have a deep and abiding fondness for anything sparkly.

Random fun question 1:  Who was the last person to send you a text message?

My son, who sent a short video clip of his cat chasing a real, live mouse in his apartment. The cat won. Ugh!

Random fun question 2:  Have you ever been a member of any other club?

No, I have always been straight. Hahaha!  Seriously, I have always been a “joiner.” From the Girl Scouts to my college sorority, and all throughout my life, I have joined many clubs and organizations. I am definitely a social person, and have always been drawn to groups of people.

Random fun question 3:  What types of holidays do you prefer?

I grew up in a Jewish family, where Thanksgiving was the highlight of the year. My own immediate family is spread out very far, geographically. (Dad in Florida, and 3 brothers in Texas, Oregon and Michigan) so any holiday that brings us together is my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. I actually nominated Jill for Women of Achievement for this year. When I called to see if she was one of the nominees they said it usually takes several years.
    So lets nominate her again, cause isn't she a tireless worker for this cause?


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