Saturday, March 22, 2014

Faces of the LGBT Center: Betty Neeley

Faces of the LGBT Center is a feature where we interview friends, members and volunteers of the Center to get the insiders' perspective.  If you want to be interviewed or want to nominate someone, you can email me at Today's interviewee is Betty Neeley.

Tell us a little about yourself, as much or as little as you want to share.

I will be 78 in August. I've been in a relationship for 24 years. Have my fingers in a lot of pots: Center, History Project, Team St Louis, Sage... I love my communities.

What do you do at the LGBT Center?

I try to keep the place in order; teach cleaning if anyone wants to learn; do repairs. Meet people, get things fixed, and a lot of BS.

How have the people at the LGBT Center influenced you?

Patience is a virtue.
I've learned how to avoid things

What are some things you enjoy doing outside of the LGBT Center?

Shooting pool, building benches and other things, meeting friends for lunch, bar hopping, and bullshit sessions with the older crowd.

Fun random question 1: Have you ever won a game of tug-of-war?


Fun random question 2: What kind of shoes do you wear?

Tennis, penny loafers, boots.

Fun random question 3: Are you a good comedian?

I tell great stories.


  1. So great that Betty was the first person featured in the newsletter. How fitting! She is such an inspiration!

  2. Ah Betty, one of the Center's great treasures. The Center has influenced us both in the same way.

    1. One of St Louis' greatest treasures. Betty has influenced me a lot.

  3. Betty does tell the best stories.

  4. I am proud to call Betty a friend! I love whatever comes out of her mouth...stories, opinions, random thoughts.....


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